We hope you all had great fun on our blog hop... reading your comments it sure sounded like you did :-) Not only did we have 137 hoppers but also we have an extra 82 followers to our blog!!!! We hope that means that lots of you will be receiving new rubber and joining in our challenges with us also :-)
Ok, we don't want to keep you waiting any longer..... now to announce the winners!!!
Full release winner chosen from Danielle's blog -
Kat - Kats Kreative KornerStamp packages:
Alex.'s blog -
Michelle Ranieri - I Heart CraftingMichelle's blog:
Tracy - tracyscraftycornerAmy L's blog -
Kelly Schelske - Crafting CreativelyAlso our winner of the
Introducing Sir. Dustin - Spread the word candy is
KreativmonsterHere is the random number:
Timestamp: 2010-01-24 13:53:25 UTC
If you haven't been in contact with a Diva to claim your prize please email me nichola.fairbairn@googlemail.com with your address details. I will be shipping out your yummy stamp packages tomorrow :-)
Now to this weeks challenge... Our fun guest Alex. is asking you to Create a scene this week.... You can get as creative as you like but to be entered into the prize draw you MUST use a minimum of 3 stamps on your card or paper project!
Remember to enter our challenges you need to use High Hopes Rubber Stamps!!!
The random winner of this challenge will receive the below stamp Cheeky Shawn.

If you are looking to purchase High Hopes stamps why not check out our Diva's stores. These stores also have the new release stamps in stock.